As developers, we are dedicated to Passive House in South Boston, environmentalism, and the arts.
I purchased the Distillery building in 1984 because I fell in love with its beautiful open spaces. Artists slowly discovered us – some of our artists have been here for over 30 years! They have come to love it as much as we do, and appreciate our commitment to maintaining artist space in the city.
We have since acquired the full block, and with it, the opportunity to do innovative new construction. We wanted to know: how can buildings - which use 50% of all the energy consumed - help solve the environmental problem of global warming? I discovered that designers in Europe had developed a building system, called Passive House, that regularly cut energy loads by 70-90% . We decided that this was the kind of innovation that we wanted to bring to the US, something that would provide an example of what can be done.
The management and development of this property has been in the hands of extremely dedicated people. Bill Stroud has managed the building for 30 years and maintained an extraordinary level of service and concern, and Libby Wasilewski is an accountant who over 30 years of working with me, has won from the residents a very high level of trust.
This project is the culmination of decades of dedication to the arts and sustainability, and our team is eager to share it with the city of Boston and the world.
– Fred Gordon, founder and President of Second Street Associates
For more information on The Distillery Arts community, visit: